Our Parish Family strives to bring the Gospel of Christ into our daily lives at home, at school and at work.

Browsing News Entries

Browsing News Entries

Fatherly Advice: Should You Share Your Confession With a Spouse?

A listener asks Father Dave for advice about sharing details of his experience during the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Dave shares, “Lately, when I go to Confession, [my wife] demands to know what I confessed. I said, ‘I don't think it works that way,’ and she would respond, ‘We're married, we should have no secrets between us’...It is a major thorn, because she's very serious that I should tell her.”

Musician Mike Mangione Talks Faith and Sacrifice on Latest Album, 'Blood & Water'

Team Busted Halo welcomes back musician and friend of the show, Mike Mangione. In addition to his music career, he is also the Director of Events at the Theology of the Body Institute. Mike has toured the world both as a solo folk artist and with his bands, and he discusses his latest Americana album, “Blood & Water,” with Father Dave.

Author Emily Jaminet on How the Sacred Heart Can Help Build Stronger Relationships

June is the month of the Sacred Heart, and Father Dave welcomes back Executive Director of the Sacred Heart Enthronement Network, speaker and author Emily Jaminet. Her latest book is called, “Holy Habits from the Sacred Heart: Ten Ways to Build Stronger, More Loving Relationships.”

The Importance of Compromise With Rabbi Brad Hirschfield

While Brett Siddell was on his honeymoon, best friend of the show Rabbi Brad Hirschfield joined Father Dave as guest co-host for a special episode! Inspired by recent political events, they discuss Rabbi Brad’s recent essay for Forward entitled, “The Debt Ceiling Compromise Reflects Deep Jewish Wisdom.

Living Out a Catholic Wife’s Vocation With Rachel Bulman

As many couples tie the knot this summer, Father Dave, guest co-host Kathryn Whitaker, and speaker and author Rachel Bulman examine a Catholic wife’s vocation. Her new book exploring this topic is called, “Becoming Wife: Saying Yes to More Than the Dress.

‘Dining with the Saints’: Connecting Food and Faith With Michael Foley

Team Busted Halo loves food and faith, and Father Dave welcomes back author Michael Foley to connect these topics in his book, “Dining with the Saints: The Sinner’s Guide to a Righteous Feast,” co-written with Father Leo Patalinghug.

Pursuing Holy Friendships and Relationships with Dr. Andrew and Sarah Swafford

We all seek community in our lives, and Father Dave welcomes married couple and Catholic ministry leaders Dr. Andrew and Sarah Swafford to discuss their new book, “Gift and Grit: How Heroic Virtue Can Change Your Life and Relationships.

Who Can Write a Better Homily: Father Dave or ChatGPT?

Developments in artificial intelligence have made headlines in recent months, specifically the evolution of a language processing tool called ChatGPT. It is a chatbot that responds conversationally to your instructions, and generates answers to complex questions in a matter of seconds. Team Busted Halo put it to the test: Can ChatGPT write a better homily than Father Dave?

The Road to Self-Awareness: Dr. Ian Murphy Shares His Journey of Weight Loss and Healing

As Mental Health Awareness Month concludes, Father Dave welcomes back Catholic speaker and author Dr. Ian Murphy to discuss his new book, “The Road to Self-Awareness: A Therapy Book for Christians.”

Can Divorced Catholics Receive the Eucharist?

A listener named Susan shares with Father Dave that her marriage recently ended. “I came to no other choice but to get divorced to protect myself from further physical and emotional harm,” she says. “I feel very lost sometimes. How can I rectify my situation with the Church? I pray daily and go to confession, but I still feel like I'm a hypocrite receiving the Eucharist.”